
Nem todos batizam unidades...

Hoje, do nada, numa da minhas cismas bizarras que às vezes surgem do nada, eu tava tomando café e comecei a me lembrar o quanto eu odeio o Thomas Edison. Por coincidência, esbarrei agora com essa página aqui sobre o Tesla...

Soon Edison, who Tesla idolized, presented him with a challenge – if he could improve the efficiency of his DC dynamos by 25%, Edison would pay him a bonus of $50000. Before the two month deadline was past, Tesla had more than succeeded – the dynamos were now 50% more efficient! Sadly, Edison’s tightfisted nature won out and he refused to pay Tesla his promised bonus. In disgust Tesla quit, his hero worship vanishing. In 1931, he told the New York Times: ``If Edison had a needle to find in a haystack, he would proceed at once with the diligence of the bee to examine straw after straw until he found the object of his search.'' ``I was a sorry witness of such doings, knowing that a little theory and calculation would have saved him ninety per cent of his labor.''

Fala sério!!... :)

Engraçado que uma vez eu escrevi em algum lugar sobre o embate AC vs DC, que os 90% de transpiração e 10% de inspiração do Edison não puderam contra os 50% 50% do Tesla... Não sei nem se li isso em algum lugar antes, mas é bom saber que ele mesmo achava isso também! :)

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